Imprating Education

Imprating Education

At Ram Ratan Global School, our vision is to:

Curricular and Co-Curricular Practices

At RRGS, we focus on child-centric, experiential learning that nurtures creativity, exploration, and innovation. Our pedagogy incorporates diverse teaching methods, such as:

  • 1. Reggio Emilia: Self-directed learning.
  • 2. Play Way Method: Innovative and playful learning techniques.
  • 3. Waldorf Method: Stimulating imagination.
  • 4. Bank Street Method: Fostering imagination and logistics skills.
  • 5. Montessori Method: Learning through experiences.

Assessment and Observation:

  • 1. Pre-Primary (Grades 1-2): Regular thematic worksheets and periodic assessments in core subjects.
  • 2. Primary (Grades 3-5): Activity-based learning with short periodic assessments, subject enrichment, and formal evaluations to build skills.
  • 3. Middle Wing (Grades 6-8): Exploration and project-based learning for skill development, supported by guided and non-guided activities.

CO-Scholastic Activities:

For the holistic development of the student different co-curricular activities are carried out in the school and the students are graded term wise on a 3 point grading scale (A=Outstanding, B= Very Good and C= Fair). The aspect of regularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork are the generic criteria for grading in the co-scholastic activities.

Let your life lightly dance on the edges of times like dew on the tip of a leaf. - Rabindranath Tagore